Two children, a 15-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy, were imprisoned and physically abused by their parents, Kimberly Joy Quebe and John Herman Quebe. The Quebes claimed to be homeschooling, but they did not follow any of the requirements and the children were not at grade level.
The children spent long periods of time with their wrists and ankles tied; the boy spent hours locked in his room. The Quebes also verbally abused their children. The abuse came to light when someone observed the children’s restraint marks at the community pool and called in a tip. The Quebes pleaded guilty to false imprisonment, child abuse, and corporal injury on a child and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. Because there was no trial, more details of the physical abuse were not made public.
Date: July 21, 2008
Location: Anaheim, California
Documents: | Date: |
Parents charged with child abuse, torture | 07-31-2008 |
Anaheim Couple Accused of Torturing Their Children | 07-31-2008 |
Parents get 12 years in prison for binding kids’ wrists, ankles | 08-07-2009 |