
Invisible Children

Children of Thomas and Denise Atkocaitis

Content note: Case narratives include descriptions of severe violence inflicted on children, including abuse and neglect, sexual violence, torture, and murder, as well as mentions of suicide and domestic violence. They also include photos of victims and perpetrators of violence.

A 15-year-old girl, O., was imprisoned by her adoptive parents, Thomas and Denise Atkocaitis (pictured). O. was homeschooled.

The police had contact with the Atkocaitises twice before: in 2010, when Denise Atkocaitis was accused of abusing one child, and in 2017 when she was arrested for assaulting a different child. Around early July 2018, the Atkocaitises imprisoned O. in an 8-foot by 8-foot room in their basement with no light. The room was alarmed and the window was covered with wire mesh. O. was only allowed to leave the room for an hour each day to get food and use the bathroom.

The abuse came to light when O. escaped and the Atkocaitises reported her missing. When authorities found her, she reported the abuse. The Atkocaitises were charged with criminal restraint, kidnapping, and child endangerment.

Date: September 5, 2018
New Boston, New Hampshire


Documents: Date:
Missing Person 09-05-2018
Missing 15-year-old girl found safe, New Boston police say 09-06-2018
Kidnapping charges for US couple after adopted daughter ‘held in basement’ 10-23-2018
Police: Couple kept girl in small basement room with alarm 10-23-2018
Couple accused of keeping child locked in basement for months 10-23-2018
Police: Girl confined to basement room rigged with alarm for two months 10-23-2018